
Preparing for a multi-polar world



Is a multi-polar world and the challenge of other nations’ growing naval power and global reach really call for “new thinking,” “radical restructuring,” or “transformational concepts” going forward? Is a response to a “contested commons” something that needs a whole-cloth response?

If you move back the calendar 100 years, what does the first decade of the 20th Century have to tell us about the environment we are looking at as we approach the look out from the end of the first decade of the 21th Century?

In addition to our panel discussion of the events of this week, join fellow USNIBlogger EagleOne, Bryan McGrath, and myself as we discuss what the lessons of the Teddy Roosevelt Era have for us today. Our guest will be Commander Henry J. Hendrix, Jr., USN, author of Theodore Roosevelt’s Naval Diplomacy: The U.S. Navy and the Birth of the American Century and more recently the Proceedings article Buy Fords, Not Ferraris.

We go live today, 17 FEB at 1700R/2200Z (or 5pm Eastern Standard Time, if you insist) for a full hour. We we will start taking callers at the bottom of the hour. If you want to ask a question to the panel or our guest, call in at (347) 308-8397.

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Blog Update




The Naval Institute Blog is on hold at the moment. Our plan is to move it to the Proceedings site and rename it “Proceedings Blog” in 2024. More information to follow soon!

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