As we enter the last year of the second decade of the 21st Century, we are well in to predictions about what the world of the 2020s, 2030 and more will be like. I’ve been guilty of that for the last decade in my “Terrible 20s” thread.
Thing is, history does not really car what we think it will be like; it will just be. Once we are there, it will be the new normal and the predictions will simply be something the future will look at with a sly grin.
What are we completely missing?
Since the Army War College’s Michael Neiberg found Lin Wells’s April 2001 memo on the 2001 QRD in a memo to Donald Rumsfeld, that question keeps coming to mind.
Take a moment to read the below in a quiet moment; a note from a lost world so long ago, yet yesterday.
Read twice the last bullet and change the date to any you wish; it still applies.